Member's Course Discount Option
Our most cost-effective route to 30 hours of LAPL flight training
What's included:
- 30 Hours of Flight Training
- 30 Landing Fees
- 30 touch and Go Fees
- 1 Year Full Membership
- Member’s Door Access Card
- EASA PPL (A) Syllabus and Course Guide
- All 5 Volumes of the AFE Flight Training Study Manuals
- AFE ARC-1 Flight Computer
- 16 Inch Scale Ruler
- Pilot’s Logbook
- 1:500,000 Southern UK Chart
- Lumicolour Chart Pen Set
- 5 Inch Protractor
What's not included:
- Theory examinations and flight tests, additional training hours outside the basic course requirements, landing or touch-and-go fees outside of Coventry Airport or any additional landings or touch-and-goes to those specified
Save over £500.00!